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Waiting for our 2019 Top 10 #GoProMTB clips? Here you go. Did your favorite make the cut?

1. Crankworx in #HyperSmooth with @jakubvencl
2. Darkfest 2019, need we say more?
3. Red Bull Rampage with GoPro Family member @brendog1
4. MTB in Indonesia with GoPro Athlete @geoffgulevich
5. Helmet POV from @downpuertovallarta with GoPro Athlete @SamPilgrim
6. Welcoming GoPro Athlete @jacksongoldstone
7. Stairsets with GoPro Athlete @SamPilgrim
8. The Athertons, GoPro Athletes @rachybox, @dan_atherton, @gee_atherton
9. Taxco with GoPro Awards recipient @AntoniVilloni
10. Pinkbike Best Line Contest winner @whoisdylan at El Toro

Shot 100% on GoPro: http://bit.ly/2srWrLi
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Music Courtesy of Extreme

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