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Pre-order HERO8 Black now – http://bit.ly/2oYkyiD

Meet HERO8 Black. The most versatile, unshakable HERO camera ever. Featuring built-in mounting, HyperSmooth 2.0 with Boost, an all-new mods accessory system and more—all in a camera that’s 14% lighter and tougher than ever.

Get stoked and subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ

Athletes (in order of appearance):
Sven Thorgren @sventhorgren
Valentino Rossi @valeyellow46
VR46 Team @vr46ridersacademyofficial
Travis Rice @travisrice
Andy McMillin @andymcmillin31
Geoff Gulevich @geoffgulevich
Sam Pilgrim @sampilgrim
Anthony Walsh @anthony_walsh_
Dane Jackson @danejacksonkayak
Nick Troutman @nicktroutmankayak
Kai Lenny @kai_lenny
Taylor Robert @taylor_robert33

GoPro Ambassadors (in order of appearance):
Sunny Wang @sunnyboyyy
Dizzy Dizzo @dizzydizzo

GoPro Family Members (in order of appearance):
Brinkley Davies @brinkleydavies
Christopher Farro @chrisfarro
Sam Reynolds @samreynolds26
Axell Hodges @axellhodges
Danielle Scott @daniellescottski
Zachary Carbo @zach_carbo
Moonchan Cho @moonchanigraphy
Keahi De Aboitz @keahideaboitiz
Micayla Gatto @micaylagatto
Claudio Calouri @claudiocaluori
Steffi Marth @steffimarth
Gloria Atanmo @glographics
York Galland @iflyheli
Nicholas Sacco @savagesac

FPV Drone Pilots:
Johnny FPV @johnny_fpv
Rene Rofner @rensenfpv
Fincky @benoitfinck

Special Thanks:
Bradford Schmidt @brdfrd
Shane Dorian @shanedorian
Jackson Dorian @jackson_dorian
Josh Neuman @josh_neuman1
Mirko Paoloni @mirko_paoloni
Sander Viste Mehus @sandarr_vm
Ali Nas
Emrah Özbay @ozbayemrah
Atıl Ulaş CÜCE @atil.ulas
Middle Earth Travel @middleearthtravel
Business of Ideas
Phillip Hodges
Ash Hodges
Gravity Industries LTD @takeongravity
Richard Brown @richardmbrowning
Sam Rogers @jettisam
Alex Wilson @alex_the_wilson
Pyrodanza @pyrodanza_official_page
Luis Wachong
WGAS Motorsports @thewgasmotorsports
Eric Brown
Chino Challenge Demolition Derby 2019
Linda Chan @linstahh
Nolan Omura @nolanomura
Andrew Sealy @andrew7sealy
Naya Rappaport @nayitavp
The Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation Department
Antelope Canyon X by Taadidiin Tours @canyon_x_tours
Tourism Australia @Australia
Tourism Western Australia @WesternAustralia
Reilly Roberts @reilly.roberts
Lisa Kytosaho @lisatorajaqueline

“Day Dream”
Link to buy: https://kannibalenrecords.lnk.to/DAYDREAM

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